Thursday, April 5, 2012


I love the early part of day,

to watch the night go fading,

for each new second of the dawn

brings new visions unto the world.

The sun extends its brilliant head, 

and twittering birds all astir.

Then streets erupt to a noisy hive.

Another day is in the passing.


Mark, lived 38 years, not ONE!!
Why me, Dear LORD, I often cried
as things went against my foolish pride.
Why do you turn against me so,
for I believe, and you should know.

Again fate moved its forceful arm.
It brought one of my family harm.
A broken body and an unsound mind,
to a son of mine, at birth I find.

The Doctor said,"one year of life".
We cried and sobbed amid the strife,
then settled down to the task ahead
to give comfort to the young boy's bed.

The year was gone and a few more went,
but that fragile light was not yet spent,
It flickered, faded and came anew
and the debt was paid with a smile or two.

So when misfortune comes my way,
I get down on my knees and pray,
"Why not Dear LORD, I'm sure tis' true,
that with your help I'll muddle thru."


Untitled 3

Today I bow my head in prayer
and stay my hand from worldly care
I also lose my hurts and woes
and fade from the basic throes
that flourish in the daily grind,
which tire my body, plague my mind.

Let peace survive, let love abound
let friends of mine, myself, surround
Yet, in this quiet solitude
let no other things intrude
my thoughts transmit across the space
to GOD who dwells in his own place
in heavens hallowed holy home
Let my wishes ever roam.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Untitled 2

How well you do the task required
when you are feeling low?
What shall be the end result?
Where will your feeling show?
These things you cannot hide.
They're your own personality
those reflections of your pride.


When pain benumbs my body

and it clouds a tear-filled eye

or frets of woe from living

refuse to pass you bye

or a loss of dear departed

to that hallowed place sublime

These scars will fade and disappear

in the interlude of time.

My Dad did many of these as class assignments.  I do not have the background for many of these.  As I find his notes, I will add them and hope that they add depth and explanations.  

Man and The Weather

A man and his nature
are not so strange
a lot like the weather
they always change
they bluster and blow
like a raging storm
They giggle and laugh
like a bright sunny morn
some go berserk
and really let go
like the over-sized blast
of a wild tornado
Some hold their tempers
a month or so
as the side of a mountain
hold on to the snow.
So man and the weather
are not strange to me
Both unpredictable
as you can see

Elro C Lindsay


from Google
from Google
Those emerald pools
     by limestone walls
     steam and boil with glee.
The mud pots
     and the waterfalls
     the bear cubs that you see
The lakes, the streams,
     the geysers too
     a delightful place to be.

(We went to Yellowstone in about 1959 for a Lindsay Family Reunion.  We have many many slides and photos in Dad's collections of that time.)

The Rose

They perch upon a thorny stem
their colors to display.
They catch the early morning dew
to help them stay that way

Symmetrical to a degree
yet each one will possess
a minor variance of course
that eyes will often miss

The message of this pretty flower
not written with a pen
extends beyond the realm of plants
to woman and to man

The fragrance of this gorgeous flower
penetrates my pose
as I admire a thing that's called
an American Beauty Rose.


The country sites are fading fast
     from all but memories,
They haystack and the big red barn,
     the towering silo too.
The squeaking handle of the pump
     with its wooden water trough
The butter churn has disappeared,
     so has the spinning wheel.
The old hand plow down by the shed
     the harness rings and double-trees
ten-gallon milk cans and such as these
     are only kept in reverie.

Written in the late 1970's.  Dad didn't date these, I do have his scraps that might have dates.  I will just have to pull those out of storage and put dates together.  Someday... sigh CLR


There're many things for us to learn
     fore heaven's gate we pass
And reverence is but one of them
     That lets us show our class

The house of GOD is one prime place
     To love with all your heart
Let not your lips become the one
     That dreadful noise to start

Visit in the vestibule,
     or outside with friends
But let our ears hear not the din
     That idle chatter lends

Show love divine to GOD above
     While in this hall you sit
and act as saints in love with GOD
     and all that goes with it

Elro C. Lindsay

Monday, April 2, 2012


Elro on the farm in Rupert, ID

I lived my life, had lots of fun
     with parents I adore
not much money, lots of work
     no toys, upon the floor

School was finished, lots of chores
     and troubles I learned to bear.
And me a spouse did find
     and love was everywhere.

Our children grew and grew
     with families of their own
and when my life was almost spent,
     I found that time had flown.

What had I missed along the way
     midst life's cry and hue?
The things I needed most to hear
     Those simple words, "I LOVE YOU".

(My dad didn't hear these much when he was young and we didn't hear them much when we your young either... not sure if it's a pride issue or if he was just to busy to stop and say them... )


I want to take my girlfriend
out on the merry-go-round.
I want to have her by my side
as we go round and round.
I want to grab that big brass ring
and gain that wondrous prize.
To have her with me evermore
as we live out our lives.

For life is very much like
a ride on the Merry-go-round.
There's lots of joys and sorrows
and lots of ups and downs.
The music grates upon your ears
or sometimes smooth as cream.
An ever changing pattern
as we live out our dreams.

We'll live out our allotted time
upon life's stormy tide.
I try to do the best I can,
my helpmate by my side.
And when my time is nearly o'er,
there'll be no need to frown
For we have had a gala trip
on our life on the Merry-Go-Round.


(just before my Dad passed away he put this to music and could sing it, it was a cute little song/poem just for Mom)